Burn out, media and the 4th of July | #Entry #3
Happy Saturday,
I am getting coached by my mentor, Caress, to help me get better with managing my emotions and managing a household (aka how to consistently and efficiently clean and organize my home). During our onboarding call, she mentioned I was burned out after she made a suggestion for me to barter my communications experience (I have done bios, EPK’s and secured podcast interviews in the past) with someone in my network in exchange for something to be done for me in my home but I quickly told her I don’t have the emotional and mental capacity. For example, I purposefully put my desk away so I have limited reasons to be on my laptop while I’m home after working remotely full time and part time for years.
I didn’t even realize I was burned out because I have been pretty functional compared to how I have felt burn out in the past. Hell, I even went to work on the 4th of July and then did a few loads of laundry right afterwards. Did I want to do that, no but it was either that or consider going to work half naked which isn’t an option since I work in a family friendly retail sales environment.
But maybe that’s another reason why I’m returning to writing, specifically creative writing and writing about pleasure. I want to reconnect to pleasure and evolve my relationship with it so I can get back to living life instead of being in survival mode. I hope this new moon in Cancer can help me get closer to that desire.
Media that matters to me:
I decided to add this section to share some of the media I’ve consumed that has given me pleasure in some way this week. I may not make this a weekly thing but this week I felt the need to include it. Hope you enjoy!
Side Effects of Critical Race Theory (with Professor Kimberle’ Crenshaw)
Side Effects of Journalism as Activism (with Nikole Hannah-Jones)
Social Media
@tayannahleemcquillar | #DidYouKnow: When the 4th of July was a Black Holiday?
@Jaethefade | These songs getting us in trouble
@tayannahleemcquillar | #DidYouKnow: Democracy as we and people all around the world know it today is an American Indian invention NOT Greek or Roman.
American Barbecue Showdown on Netflix (This show inspires me to cook. I hope I can one day learn how to grill, especially on an open flame in the back of a home I own).
Mea Cupla on Netflix (I am late to the party but I finally watched it and BAY-BEE, Tyler Perry did that! If you are late to the party like me and still haven’t watched it, you are missing out!)
The Love Witch (Side note: This clip made me watch the entire movie but that was the best part of the movie to me. The rest of the movie isn’t as empowering but if you’re a fan of 1960’s Technicolor thrillers, this may be right up your alley).
Thanks for reading!
Chelsea :-)